Let me introduce myself

My name is Ronald and I was born in 1961 in Rotterdam. I now live in Hoogvliet, that’s a suburb of Rotterdam.
I started the hobby in 1979 on the 11meters CB radio with a Stalker XX. In 2020 the world was under the spell of COVID19.
It was then that I decided to study for the ham radio license at the RFDX club Netherlands.
On March 27, 2021 it was time for the exam at 2:00 PM and at 2:25 PM I was outside again with butterflies in my stomach, 5:00 PMI had the results and “YESSSSSSS” I got my license.

My radios are Yaesu FTDX-101D, Icom 7300, Icom 9700, Icom 705 and a Kenwood TS 480 SAT.
The antenna’s that I use are a long wire HyEndFed and a Ultrabeam 2 Elements Yagi 6-40meters, All of them are located at a height of + – 10 meters above the ground.

I’m a member of PI4COM. That’s a small group of enthusiastic radio amateurs who like HF contesting.

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